Water sanitation & hygiene program
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) - Created August 2020 in response to the great needs our communities are facing due to aging systems of living with unsafe water, poor sanitation, and difficulties meeting basic hygiene. WASH provides support and training for homeowners and local interested entities to build knowledge capacity and mobilize community agents to work with households.​​
Current list of partners that provide resources to the WASH Program.
Foundation for Community Vitality – Sewer & Septic Assistance
Crow Water Quality Project – Guidance & Comprehensive Well Water Testing
Montana Department of Commerce – Community Development Block Grant CARES (CDBG-CV) - Replacement of wells, cisterns and septic systems throughout the Crow Reservation
Midwest Assistance Program (MAP) - Private Well & Onsite Wastewater Workshops, Assessments & Water Testing
Center for Disaster Philanthropy - To understand the current conditions of homes on Crow Reservation and to obtain resources to assist homeowners to repair their homes
Elijah List & Show Mery – Wells & Well Operation Education
USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) - Scholars training & working in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) initiative
Beartooth RC&D – MT Disaster Recovery - To assist homeowners to replace well caps and related items due to water contamination.

Phone (406).638.2074 or (406).638.2075
Download application
CDBG-CV WASH Application
Thank you for your interest in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program. For the CDBG-CV WASH project, the HUD funds assist qualified homeowners with replacement of wells, cisterns and septic systems for single-family owner-occupied homes. The purpose of the funds are to provide access to safe water and sanitation for homeowners.​
2. WASH Application
The purpose of the funds are to assist qualified homeowners to make minor improvements to existing wells, existing septic systems and interior plumbing fixtures.
Individual Household Survey – Printable
Individual Household Survey – Fillable
This is a survey to understand the post-disaster needs of the community and is not an application for assistance. It will be used to inform response efforts.